lauantai 23. tammikuuta 2010

internet poker tactics

This post is about internet poker tactics, how are you able to win something by poker

Whats the MAIN difference in internet poker and the casino game??

It is!
in casino, you can lose!

In the poker, there is ALWAYS someone that wins, in casino, the odds are on the "house", so in long run, you will lose in them,
but in the poker, there is always someones that lose and someones that win, the house in normal games dont take money.
there are some very foolproof tactis in enternet poker, how to be able to win

The basic tactics:

1. the first thing to do when starting to play internet poker is to learn the game, know how to play poker, and the rules  and differences in pokers like texas hold'em and omaha etc.
2. learn how to use your server, there are some differenses in gameplay and "looks" of different servers, know how the one that you use works
3. have enough money to get all from the "bonuses" and rakebacks etc. they are, free money
4. get uset to the game, the "play money" -games are usually good, but dont stuck in them too long, because not many play them real, and your game might get mixed up.
5. start whit the low hb and lb, really low,  brobably whith the lowest possible, there are lots of  "free money"
 and the "pro's" play usually whit big bets, and the game becomes "deeper" and harder whit different cinds of tactics. so getting used to poker whit small blinds is a must
6. play witch your own money, dont borow or get loan to play poker, there are lots of more important things to use your money that poker, if you are short on cash
7. you will lose, no matter how good you are, how good your hand is. there will become times when you just lose, against all the possibilities. just accept it, you wont win all the games you play
8. learn the simple math, what the prosentages means etc. and allso there are free "poker helpers" that help your game, they are accepted and not "cheats", they can "see" your cards from the server and count the probobility to win
9. try to play steady game, if one of your hands takes too long to "check" or raise,  it raises suspicion

now that you know how to play, and how the game goes, it is time to know the "secret"
what hands to take while playing poker:
1. FOLD. one of the most important things you will do in poker, is fold. The pros play only "20-30%" of their hands, so most of the time you will look other game, same time it is good to learn how they play and who usually bluffs etc.
fold everything that are:
- under 7 pairs, (and aces you will Keep of course)
- fold if the cards are under 10, and if both are under 9 .
- dont cling in possible straights, or flushes. only when there is great possibility to win
 this will raise your chanses dramaticaly

hands what to play are anything over 10 and pairs over 7  this will raise your odds but it wont make you invinsible, you will lose sometimes (but not as ofthen as before) and you will trow away some good hads that might have been good. but, its the game
after turn, if you dont have anything special in your hand, just trow them away, especially if someone raises, check is ok still...

1. play rarely and agressively, means that fold most, but when you play, play it aggressively, raise before the turn, again before river, etc.

the worst enemies are the rare and agressive ones, they play only "best" hands and usually there is greater chanse to them win, than you.  so it is perfect way in the small games.

To win money.

Play the cheap" games, the ones whit paritcally none blinds, like 0.01 and 0.02 blinds, there people usually dont play so serious, so in long run , you will be able to win big with these.

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